Author Archives: run262

Day 154. Marathon Meal and Training Plan.

Marathon Meal and Training Plan

Day 154.

Clarksburg Country Road

Clarksburg Country Road

Race Day!

Clarksburg Country Run. This will be the longest run of my young career. Excited for many reasons. New routes are always fun. New medals are the best. Most importantly, all the training time and effort paid off.

This was taken around mile 17. Passing Jasmina on the inside lane. More like snailing by her. Dietmar in the orange shirt eventually passed us both up. Nice job Dietmar … 2:54 finish. The heat eventually got me and I had to do a combo walk/run to finish miles 18-19 — walked 5 minutes and ran the rest. This pattern allowed me an opportunity to “finish strong” (as strong as possible) to the finish line.


I downed 3 Clif Shot chocolates during the run and learned a valuable lesson for the upcoming first marathon. Don’t over-drink. At mile 13 on, I started rehydrating, but got silly with it. At each station, I was like a food/drink hoarder. At one point, I was holding 4 orange wedges and an open Clif Shot in my left hand and in my right, I had my water bottle and 2 Dixie cups of some type of red drink. I think this race was sponsored by Powerade.


Bottom Line: Don’t over drink. I started feeling “sloshy” at each step and at the end of the race, I was totally nauseous and after I drove off and stopped at the local McDonalds for a much needed 7UP (aka the cure all), I vomited up all those orange wedges. Felt better, but I don’t want that again.

What to do: Drink a little and drink it throughout. Beat the thirst and give the body what it needs before it needs it.

Morning weight = 170.5 / after 20 mile run, eating lunch, and drinking my weight in 7UP, 166 lb

Today’s Meals:

MyFitnessPal Marathon Meal Plan

MyFitnessPal 11-10-2013

  • 1:20pm (Meal 2a) – Immediate post race nutrition. 7UP at McDonalds. Needed something to help the nauseousness. Also, take two of these and call me in the morning.










  • 2:39pm (Meal 3) – Post race carb up. Post race sugar up. Discovered 7UP is my celebratory Gatorade. Not feeling hungry, but ate like a bird.
Marathon Meal Plan

Meal 3 – 239pm




  • 6:30pm (Meal 5) – More carbs and deliciousness! About 6 hours removed from the race, now I’m hungry and craving soda. Already drank too much 7UP so I made a good decision and went with a Dr. Pepper.
Marathon Meal Plan

Meal 5 – 6:35pm

Today’s Activities:

  • Clarksburg Country Run 20.22 mile run. 9:47 average pace. Burned 2594 calories. First mile 9:02. Last mile 10:19. Fastest mile 8:58.
Clarksburg Country Run

Clarksburg Country Run


Sunday, 11-10-2013

Day 153. Marathon Meal and Training Plan.

Marathon Meal and Training Plan

Day 153.

Morning weight = 170

Today’s Meals:

MyFitnessPal Marathon Meal Plan

MyFitnessPal 11-09-13

  • 3:02 (Meal 4) – Mid day snack. How can you walk the aisles of Sam’s Club or Costco without ending up at the pizza counter?
Marathon Meal Plan

Meal 4 – 3:02pm


Today’s Activities:

  • No run today, but pre-run activities. Picked up my racing bid for the longest run I’ll be doing to date. 20 mile “warm-up” for the California International Marathon that is just around the corner. I’ve followed the training plan. I’m rested. I’m carbed up from dinner. I’m ready.
Marathon Meal Plan

Clarksburg Country Run








Saturday, 11-09-2013

Day 152. Marathon Meal and Training Plan.

Marathon Meal and Training Plan

Day 152.

Morning weight = 170.5 / post 8 mile run 166.5

Today’s Meals:

MyFitnessPal Marathon Meal Plan

MyFitnessPal 11-08-2013

  • 6:45pm (Meal 5) – Revisiting an old favorite. Papas burrito. It sounds much better than just a potato burrito — and that sauce. Whatever they place in the burrito makes it succulent. And for dessert … a fried Mexican plantain with roasted coconut chunks in a caramel sauce.
Marathon Meal Plan

Meal 5 – 645pm

Today’s Activities:

  • 8 mile run at a 8:49 minute per mile pace. Burned 1,038 calories. First mile 9:05. Last mile 8:33. Fastest mile 8:32.

Friday, 11-08-2013

Day 151. Marathon Meal and Training Plan.

Marathon Meal and Training Plan

Day 151.

Morning weight = 171

Today’s Meals:

MyFitnessPal Marathon Meal Plan

MyFitnessPal – 11-07-2013

  • 10:29am (Meal 2) – Tofurkey grilled cheese sandwich for a mid morning snack.
  • 12:49pm (Meal 3) – Repeat of the above! Found a new delicious meal.
Marathon Meal Plan

Meal 2 and Meal 3


  • 6:57pm (Meal 5 dessert) – There’s always room for dessert, especially after Chinese food. The pie is from a local shop that returned after popular demand. They were so busy for their first run at it, they shut down because the owner wanted to spend time with her new born. They are back, but by special order only. Welcome back!
Marathon Meal Plan

Meal 5 – 657pm

Today’s Activities:

  • No runs on the schedule today.

Thursday, 11-07-2013

Day 150. Marathon Meal and Training Plan.

Marathon Meal and Training Plan

Day 150.

Morning weight = 172. 5.22 mile run today — forgot to do a post weigh in.

Today’s Meals:

MyFitnessPal Marathon Meal Plan

MyFitnessPal 11-06-2013

  • 6:54am (Meal 1) – Pre run nutrition. Herbalife24 Prepare and Herbalife Niteworks. Plus a Clif Shot Chocolate and a half a banana. Man, writing it down, it seems like a lot of food.
Marathon Meal Plan

Meal 1 – 6:54am (Pre Run Nutrition)

  • 5:30pm (Meal 5) – Quick sesame tofu rice bowl before we catch a press screening of Dallas Buyers Club.
Marathon Meal Plan

Meal 5 – 5:30pm

Today’s Activities:

  • 5.22 mile run today. 8:16 minute per mile pace. First mile 9 — last mile 7:46. Total calories burned 686.

Wednesday, 11-06-2013

Day 149. Marathon Meal and Training Plan.

Marathon Meal and Training Plan

Day 149.

Morning weight = 170.5

Today’s Meals:

MyFitnessPal Marathon Meal Plan

MyFitnessPal 11-05-2013

  • 11:45am (Meal 3) – My wife’s famous veggie chili and cornbread. Dangerously good. Juanita’s gluten-free tortilla chips — not homemade, but very good. They are much lighter with a nice crunch.
Marathon Meal Plan

Meal 3 – 11:45am


  • 6:20pm (Meal 5) – As Seen on TV – Squeeze Inn burger with friends
Marathon Meal Plan

Meal 5 – 6:20pm

Today’s Activities:

  • One more day off and I’ll get back on the road. This is officially a RunKeeper off-day anyway so I’m enjoying the third day off. My knees are thanking me.

Tuesday, 11-05-2013

Day 148. Marathon Meal and Training Plan.

Marathon Meal and Training Plan

Day 148.

Morning weight = 170

Today’s Meals:

MyFitnessPal Marathon Meal Plan

MyFitnessPal 11-04-2013

Today’s Activities:

  • No activities today on mu schedule. RunKeeper says otherwise, but I’m going to listen to my body today. Been wearing the knee brace on my left knee.

Monday, 11-04-2013

Day 147. Marathon Meal and Training Plan.

Marathon Meal and Training Plan

Day 147.

Morning weight = 166

Today’s Meals:

MyFitnessPal Marathon Meal Plan

MyFitnessPal 11-03-2013

  • 2:06pm (Meal 3) – Mexican for lunch! They have these roasted peppers in the salsa bar that is worth the price of admission.
Marathon Meal Plan

Meal 3 – 2:06pm


Today’s Activities:

  • Rest day. Celebrated little 1-year-old Jessica’s birthday yesterday and today she was dedicated to the church. And all the people say, “I will” God bless baby Jessica!

Sunday, 11-03-2013

Day 146. Marathon Meal and Training Plan.

Marathon Meal and Training Plan

Day 146.

Morning weight = 169 / post 14.01 mile run 166

Today’s Meals:

MyFitnessPal Marathon Meal Plan

MyFitnessPal 11-02-2013

  • 8:30am (Meal 1) – Pre run nutrition. Herbalife24 Prolong, Prepare and Herbalife Niteworks. Plus a banana.
Marathon Meal Plan

Meal 1 – 8:30am



  • 12:43pm (Meal 3) – Post race carb up at one of our favorite local watering holes! Eggs benedict and their world famous buckwheat pancakes.
Marathon Meal Plan

Meal 3 – 12:43pm

  • 6:29pm (Meal 5) – First birthday party at our friend’s house. Our first time trying some Russian classics, including the honey cake. A bit too sweet for our taste, but it is a beautiful looking cake.
Marathon Meal Plan

Meal 5 – 6:29pm

  • 9:29pm (Meal 5a) – Post party snack. Trying a slice of pizza from a local spot that just opened. Let’s just say … we will return. Very good.
Marathon Meal Plan

Meal 5a – 9:29pm

Today’s Activities:

  • 14.01 mile run this Saturday morning. 9:40 minute per mile clip. First mile 9:54. Last mile 10:24. Fastest mile 8:58. Total 1834 calories burned.
  • Stopped by our local shoe shop today and checked out the pair of shoes I bought recently, but returned. These are those shoes. (Insert Law and Order sound)
Adidas Adizero Adios Boost

Adidas Adizero Adios Boost








Saturday, 11-02-2013

Day 145. Marathon Meal and Training Plan.

Marathon Meal and Training Plan

Day 145.

Morning weight = 171.5 / post 6.01 mile run 167.5

Today’s Meals:


MyFitnessPal 11-01-2013

MyFitnessPal 11-01-2013

  • 6:05pm (Meal 5) – Red Rabbit dinner with a dear friend. Fried mushrooms. Poached egg. Homemade pappardelle pasta with more poached egg. Vegetarian friendly!
Red Rabbit

Meal 5 – 6:05pm

Today’s Activities:

  • 6.01 mile run at a 8:48 minute per mile pace. Burned 784 calories. First mile 9:04. Last mile 8:04.

Friday, 11-01-2013