Tag Archives: Herbalife24 Marathon

Day 101. Negative Splits

Up at 6:15am to get my nutrition down at least 45 minutes before my morning run. All that is needed is a banana and some type of hydration drink that is carb central.

Before drinking Herbalife24 Prepare. I would feel a tired — no weary better describes it. You know the feeling. It’s the feeling you get when you’ve had to skip breakfast and lunch is pushed back an hour, but the day-to-day stuff hasn’t stopped. Hands start feeling a little shaky. Thoughts start drifting.

After drinking Herbalife24 Prepare. I don’t experience the crash described above. This is important for endurance runs because once your body crashes, mentally it is hard to tell yourself, “keep going — don’t give up.”

Life lesson #101 — We wear seat belts to protect us from harm against a crash. Do the same with your nutrition.

Morning weight = 172.5. Post-run weight … forgot to measure.

Today’s Meals:

herbalife24 run

Meal 1 — 8:45am

Capture Lunch

Meal 2 — 12:20pm

Capture Dinner

Meal 3 — 7:20pm

Capture Snacks

Various Meals (see below for times)


  • 6:30am – Meal 0 (Pre-Run Nutrition). Banana and Herbalife24 Prepare (2 scoops), Niteworks (1 scoop)
  • 3pm – Meal 2.1 Breakfast for snacks! Cereal Killer!

Capture Results

negative splits

Meal 0 — 7:15am

Meal 2 12:20pm

Meal 2 12:20pm

negative splits

Meal 2.1 3pm

Meal 3 - 7:20pm

Meal 3 – 7:20pm

Today’s Activities:

  • Hump Day, Run Day. MyRunkeeper says, “6 mile negative splits.” Start at 10:20/mile and drop 10 seconds each mile, finishing at 9:50/mile.
  • As you can see from the splits below, I don’t follow instructions very well. I ran the first “slow” mile at 9:26 and the next 4 miles “fast” at 8:19/mile and finished the final “slow” mile at 8:29/mile. I’m starting to really like this!
herbalife24 marathon

6 mile negative splits  (09-18-2013)

Wednesday, 09-18-2013

Day 12. Morning Herbalife Shake. Morning Run. Morning Good.

Today’s weigh-in 174 and I’m extremely happy with those results. Yesterday was an Indian Buffet kind of day — my weekly luncheon with a dear friend. He choose buffet and “ok” Life lesson #12 – make plans with friends and keep them.

Experimented with today’s shake. Added a few more ice cubes, more spinach and kale, and more strawberries. I’m still drinking it as we speak because that baby is thick! I’m talking McDonald’s milkshake thick. Experiment failed, but if I didn’t try, I wouldn’t know. Tastes great — too thick.

Drank an 8-ounce cocktail of Herbalife24 Hydrate and Herbalife Herbal Aloe Concentrate Mango Flavor and off I go. Goal. Stronger and faster than my last run.

Herbalife24 Sports Nutrition HerbalifeStrong

After an 8+ mile run earlier in the week, went for a shorter, faster pace.

After a change of pace run to help build stamina and endurance, went directly into a weights session. 4-sets of 12 dumbbell floor presses and the last set of 15 presses. Worked between in-and-out curls with dual bands for increased tension and single band work shoulder presses. After getting my heart rate up from the quick run, I didn’t have the same twinge in my left shoulder when I brought the weights down. Note to self – warm-up next time. Finished off these 3 movements with a final physical therapy movement I learned from Doug yesterday. There is noticeable progress and I am thankful for that.

So, decisions-decisions. Herbalife24 has a Rebuild Endurance and a Rebuild Strength. I ran which falls under the “endurance” category. I did weights which is “strength.” Let’s do a scoop of both in an 8-ounce glass of water.