Day 77. Sunday Service.

OK. Friday’s Indian lunch buffet and an 11-mile run only amounted to a plus .05 pounds. Saturday’s pizza buffet, 2 pieces of dessert and ice cream with no other activity amounts to plus 2.5 pounds.

Life lesson #77 – Don’t underestimate the need to get moving! It is the difference from a successful plan and a failed lifestyle.

We just finished a 6 week series on the Book of Esther at church — the takeaway and message. This is the only book in the bible that does not mention God — ultimately, it mimics today’s society and its attempt to take God out of everything. The Book of Esther ultimately reveals God’s providence. I truly believe there are no coincidences or as it so commonly used today, “being lucky” I believe in the providence of God and I will use our pastor’s phrasing, “Coinci-God”

Morning Weight 173.5

Today’s Meals:

  • 8:15am – Herbalife Morning Shake.
  • 1:05pm – Mexican Restaurant. Keeping in mind the significant bump in weight, today will be a day of sharing to get me back on track. I split this with my wife.
    • Breakfast Burrito (hashbrowns, eggs, pinto beans, cheese, and rice)
    • Chips and salsa
  • 2:30pm – Kind Protein Bar – Dark chocolate Nuts and Sea Salt
  • 8pm – Homemade Veggie Goodness
    • Quorn grounds potato au gratin
    • 1 cup of steamed broccoli
    • 2 ears of white corn on the cob with butter
    • 2 1/2 slices of Heirloom totato in extra virgin olive oil
    • Herbalife Joint Support
  • 10pm – Herbalife Herbal Aloe Mango
Training for a run with Herbalife24 Herbalife Strong Herbalife Run

Meal 2

Training for a run with Herbalife24 Herbalife Strong Herbalife Run

Meal 3

Today’s Activities:

  •  3pm – Found out a friend purchased his first house and was moving today. Offered my services and the good news is that he had a UHaul and most of the bigger items boxed and ready to go. Started at 3pm – Finished at 5:45pm. In the Northern California heat, looked like I ran 10 miles. Congratulations to my friend — the new place looks great!

Sunday, 08-25-2013

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