Day 80. New Route. New Things to See.

Although I had my last physical therapy session yesterday, the information I learned to regain the range of motion in my left shoulder and alleviate the stinging/numbing in my right arm wasn’t all I got out of it. When someone is tugging, pulling, and generally treating you like an 80’s corn syrup-filled toy Stretch Armstrong, you get to talking about other stuff.

Life lesson #80 – Heed the advice and direction of experts, especially when they also show a level of expertise. For example, don’t ask someone that has been 50 pounds overweight for countless years how to lose weight. Do ask someone that is having success what they are doing and follow their lead to experience the same success. In this case, Doug participates in mega hikes and mini tris — earned the right to say what he has to say.

Techniques were reinforced to prevent damaging this 42-year-old body any further during the next 100 days of marathon training. Run on soft surfaces. Run different routes. Why different routes? To prevent from running the same slopes and bumps and angles of roads. Why soft surfaces … self-explanatory.

So with this reinforced knowledge, off I go. New route. Soft surface. 99% trail and grass. Great to see new things while chugging along and it is noticeably different running on grass, mainly mental focus. Had to really pay attention to each step so not to roll my ankle in a pothole, but I’d take an ankle roll over stepping into dog or geese poop any day!

Morning weight 171. Post run weight 168.5.

Today’s Meals:

  • 8:15am – Herbalife Shake.
  • 12:15pm – Indian Buffet – All Vegetarian
  • 6:15pm – Secret Shoppers! (but don’t tell anyone)
    • Jolly Bee service was great! Place was clean. Unfortunately, we couldn’t taste the meat dishes so we brought along our carnivore family to give us their thoughts, but not before I took the dessert off the plate. Remember the old McDonald’s apple pies — deep fried and they burned your mouth every single time. Well, they had that same pie, but with banana langka and all the deep fried goodness! One word … wow! And for the record, the other food had no leftovers so that’s a good sign.
  • 7pm – Vietnamese Sandwich Shop recommended by the salon that cuts my hair. My only complaint about bahn mi sandwiches is the bread tears up the roof of my mouth, like I just ate 10 bowls of Frosted Flakes. You’ve had that feeling — it ain’t just me. They guaranteed this place is different.
    • Veggie, tofu bahn mi. $3 for a full sandwich! Subway may have their $5-footlong, but they aren’t even in the same league as these sandwich artists!
    • Freshly made garlic bread roll. Saw it coming out of the oven and couldn’t resist. And oh yeah, at 4 for $1, wasn’t a hard decision.
    • 1/2 can of Orange Crush
  • 7:30pm – Vietnamese Che (also a previous recommendation from the salon)
  • 10:30pm – Herbalife24 Restore
Training for a run with Herbalife24 Herbalife Strong Herbalife Run

Meal 2

Training for a run with Herbalife24 Herbalife Strong Herbalife Run

Meal 2.1

Training for a run with Herbalife24 Herbalife Strong Herbalife Run

Meal 3

Training for a run with Herbalife24 Herbalife Strong Herbalife Run

Meal 3.1

Training for a run with Herbalife24 Herbalife Strong Herbalife Run

Food and Exercise

Today’s Activities:

  • Woke up late and will need to pay the price. I have found mid-morning runs don’t quite give me that “runner’s high” — I find the increased temperatures and broken food and bathroom routines make me feel a bit sluggish. And today I’ll be trying a route consisting of 99% grass and trail. The 1% is only to cross the street.
  • How I felt — much tougher running on grass, at least I think. I may think differently if I did this run between 7-8am, but at 9:30ish, who knows. Bottom line — much better on my body and I finished with great splits.
Training for a run with Herbalife24 Herbalife Strong Herbalife Run

5 mile slow/fast

Training for a run with Herbalife24 Herbalife Strong Herbalife Run

Splits and Intervals

Wednesday, 08-28-2013

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