Day 45. Weights or Run or Relaxation.

Half-way through the week and lots to celebrate. Back-to-back days again of home weights — definitely see new beginnings in terms of body structure. Interestingly, since all I’ve been doing is running without any weights, I have lost a lot of body mass. Probably even body fat. Now that I’ll be able to do even light weights on a regular basis, I’ll be able to see physical results quicker … ie – I should get cut faster.

Life lesson #45 – All things work together for good for those that are called according to His purpose. In other words, the 4+ month hiatus from weights due to injury is going to pay off now with a new love of running.

Morning weight 171

Today’s Meals:

Training for a run with Herbalife24 Herbalife Strong Herbalife Run

Meal 2

Training for a run with Herbalife24 Herbalife Strong Herbalife Run

Meal 3

Training for a run with Herbalife24 Herbalife Strong Herbalife Run

Meal 3.1

Training for a run with Herbalife24 Herbalife Strong Herbalife Run

Food and exercise

Today’s Activities:

  • Weights
    • Dumbbell floor presses
      • 1st set, 15 reps, 40 lbs
      • 2-5th set, 12 reps, 50 lbs. Movement was slow and controlled down and explode up
    • Standing bent over dumbbell lifts. Using the same weights so I can easily flow to the next exercise with little to no rest between sets, grab 1 dumbbell on the ends with both hands, arms hanging in front of body, legs shoulder width apart, with a strong back and head up, bend over in a controlled movement as if to “bow” and return to the upright position.
      • 1st set, 10 reps, 40 lbs
      • 2-5th set, 10 reps, 50 lbs

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