Day 3. Detour ahead.

Finally broke down, literally, and went to see the doctor about my shoulder issues. Phrases like range of motion, limited mobility, and pain levels were thrown about. So X-rays prescribed along with a medically prescribed anti-inflammatory and physical therapy. Good news. Doesn’t believe it’s a full tear of any ligaments or a shoulder separation. All other news … TBD. Let’s just say the X-rays of the left shoulder weren’t the most comfortable. Life lesson #3 – Sometimes uncomfortable is necessary for growth and restoration.

Awake – 7am. Amazingly only snoozed once and up at 7:10am. Morning weight 176.

Breakfast or 1st meal of the day – 7:40am. Surprise! Surprise! It’s my Herbalife Formula 1 French Vanilla Shake packed with fresh (aka frozen) fruits and veggies.

Doctors – 10:30am. Blood pressure the best it’s ever been. 100/70. All this running is doing what it’s suppose to be doing. And oh yeah, salty snacks and popcorn have become my enemy. I’m sure those life-style changes have something to do with it also.

It is now 12:04pm and there isn’t a workout in sight, but it’s still early. We’ll see.

8:20pm. 72-degrees. Made a decision to get closer to my goals and sweat out the 10 radiation-filled X-rays I had in the mid-morning. Ran 10 wind sprints up our neighborhood improvised hill, aka “The Overpass” Total distance 2.13 miles. Last hill sprint didn’t stop — slow jog home and sprinted the last 3 blocks. Fueled back up with a Herbalife Hydrate and Herbalife Mango Aloe cocktail. Since it was just a short run for speed and endurance, drank 8 ounces of water filled with 1 scoop of Herbalife Rebuild Endurance and a single Herbalife Restore tablet.

End of entry. Tomorrow is the beginning of healing via physical therapy to both shoulders.

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