Tag Archives: marathon now

Day 112. Shabot. A Day of Rest.

Rest Day

RunKeeper gave me time off for good behavior. The App did provide a rest day tip regarding pushups. Something about giving you strength to maintain posture for those looooonnnnng runs. And that’s how they put it, looooonnnnng. It’s a good thing I like to skim when I read because I’ll just ignore this for now.

Weeks run training summary:

  • 09-22-2013 — 8.04 miles. Average pace of 8:15 minutes/mile. Training 8 mile steady.
  • 09-25-2013 — 6.32 miles. Average pace of 8:43 minutes/mile. Training 2×2 mile fast.
  • 09-27-2013 — 4.00 miles. Average pace of 8:20 minutes/mile. Training 4 mile easy run.
  • 09-28-2013 — 14.01 miles. Average pace of 9:21 minutes/mile. Training 14 mile long run steady.

Total miles for the week — 32.37. I’ll be needing a new pair of running shoes sooner rather than later. Any suggestions?

Looking forward to another week. Finished 28 of 64 training sessions and I’m ahead of schedule in regards to the recommended pace. Marathon or Bust is looking more and more like Marathon Now! Sunday, 09-29-2013