Tag Archives: daisy fuentes picadillo

Day 119. How to Enjoy Sunday

How To Enjoy Sunday

Monday starts a new work week and new challenges. Tuesday you could still be reeling from Monday, scratching your head wondering, “what just happened!” Wednesday is hump day. You start feeling “I’m almost there.” Thursday you get a late project due Friday afternoon. Friday, after you came in early to finish your project, you start humming Katy Perry’s T.G.I.F. Saturday you still can’t sleep in because the kids have a soccer tournament, a baseball game, a judo match, or a bowling league. Well, bowling was what we did in the early 80s.

So, Sunday, what do you do? I suggest the following to help you enjoy Sunday.

  1. Sleep in. After 6 days of having to be somewhere, be okay with being nowhere. And by nowhere, I mean under the covers, in your pjs, and turn off the alarm clock. Give your snooze reflex a break this morning. And sleep doesn’t necessarily mean having your eyes closed. Simply staying in bed can be just what you need as your body and mind prepare for another 6 days. Disclaimer for my number 5 suggestion.
  2. Sunday brunch. Want to feel like royalty? Make time for Sunday brunch. Want to feel like a royal family? Invite your parents to Sunday brunch. Amongst all the eggs benedict and bloody mary’s, this is an opportunity to talk, relax, and refresh. And leave a big tip! Making your server happy will make you happy. It’s the law of reaping and sowing and it works all the time.
  3. Light activity. Are you one of the million of dog owners? Strap that leash on and go for a nature walk. Don’t own a dog? Strap on your cross-trainers and go for a walk. If you can, walk to your local market and buy an organic piece of fruit. My personal preference is a peach. Nothing beats an organic, farm fresh peach. Warning — you will need napkins if you take me up on this. Juicy is an understatement.
  4. TV marathon. Do I need to break down Monday-Saturday again? We all get busy Monday thru Saturday and Sunday is the perfect time to spend with TiVo, especially if you’re set says 5% remaining. Sunday is a great time to sit with your family and catch up on Breaking Bad (no little ones of course) or finish the Twilight Sega (no big ones please).
  5. Service. I purposely put this last for a reason. We automatically think Sunday and church. It’s like peanut butter and jelly, bagels and cream cheese, Batman and Robin. This is a wonderful thing so why is it that so many people don’t go? I won’t go into the details, but you have what you have because you do what you do. Confused yet? I’ll just say this about spending time with God. It’s not just a Sunday thing, but worshipping with others is powerful and much needed. Getting together is a biblical principle and if you need more evidence, read the book of Matthew. Don’t be a spiritual Lone Ranger.

Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven ~ Matthew 18:19

Morning weight = 170.

Today’s Meals:

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MyFitnessPal 10-06-2013

When Did I Eat?

  • 8:15am (Meal 1) — Herbalife Shake and Herbalife Core Complex. I’ve been taking Core Complex for about a month now and I do feel more energetic and lively.
  • 1pm (Meal 2) — Mexican breakfast burrito with hashbrowns. Tortilla chips and salsa.
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Meal 2 — 1pm

  • 7pm (Meal 3) — Vegetarian picadillo with a side salad. My wife has been making this for at least 6 years. She was watching FoodTV and Daisy Fuentes highlighted this Cuban classic. We just use veggie ground round for ours.
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Meal 3 — 7pm

  • 9:30pm — Herbalife24 Restore. Haven’t missed a day. Can’t be certain it works. It doesn’t give you an immediate result like many other products. But, I can say that when I wake up in the morning, I don’t feel sore and my body feels refreshed.

Today’s Activities:

  • Day of stretching. Perfectly timed after a 15-mile run yesterday. We actually cleared our DVR and caught up on the last 2 weeks of Kardashians and are up-to-date with Walter White and the Gang at Breaking Bad.
  • T25 Stretch. Not at all intense, but definitely a welcomed activity.

Sunday, 10-06-2013