Day 140. Marathon Meal and Training Plan.

Marathon Meal and Training Plan

Day 140.

Morning weight = 171

Today’s Meals:

MyFitnessPal Marathon Meal Plan

MyFitnessPal 10-27-2013

  • 9:40am (Meal 1a) – Donuts for me. Donuts for church.
Marathon Meal Plan

Meal 1a – 9:40am


  • 1:44pm (Meal 3) – Post church meal.
Marathon Meal Plan

Meal 3 – 1:44pm

  • 6:44pm (Meal 5) – Homemade grilled cheese and potato leek soup!
Marathon Meal Plan

Meal 5 – 6:44pm

Today’s Activities:

  • Recovery from yesterday’s 17+ mile run.

Sunday, 10-27-2013

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