Day 120. Advice for Monday

Advice for Monday

The Bangles call it Manic. New Order calls it Blue. The Boomtown Rats simply said they don’t like them. So if pop culture has been dooming and glooming the first day of the week forever, it can be a difficult challenge to stay positive. Instead of having Manic Mondays, let’s get our mind’s set to have Mantastic Mondays.

Two Full-Proof Ways to Start Your Week

  1. Change Your Attitude. We are surrounded by people affected by the Monday Morning Blues. You’ll be able to identify them. They have the grande Starbucks in one hand and their iPhone in the other to take the picture of the frap. Twitter App opened with this tweet “SMH Monday’s Suck. Need coffee!” You don’t need to be a psychologist to see how this mindset can dictate the outcome of your day. Change your attitude and change your outlook.
  2. Plan Your Days. Taking time to plan ahead accomplishes two things. It will keep you focused on the future and it will give you a sense of control. Prioritizing your day with the most difficult tasks first will remove that cloud of dread you feel throughout the day. And based on experience the most difficult tasks are only as difficult as our mind makes them up to be. Who knows. For two hours of intense work, the remaining day is all downhill from there.

Morning weight = 172. Post run = 170.5.

Today’s Meals:

run262 advice for monday

MyFitnessPal 10-07-2013

When Did I Eat:

  • 6:40am (Meal 0 – Pre Run) — Herbalife24 products and a banana.
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Meal 0 — 6:40am

  • 8:30am (Meal 1) — Jamba Juice Pouch. Added Herbalife Protein Powder to give it my personal boost, just like the store. I have to admit. It tastes pretty darn good. But how do you mess up mango.
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Meal 1 — 8:30am

  • 10:40am (Meal 1.1) — El Monterey frozen burrito and Papalote habernero salsa. Spicy goodness to elevate any frozen food.
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Meal 1.1 — 10:40am

  • 1:20pm (Meal 2) — Leftover Daisy Fuentes Deluxe. Her recipe, veggie-style, for picadillo.
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Meal 2 — 1:20pm

  • 5:15pm (Meal 3) — Our favorite quick eats joint. Teriyaki sesame tofu, extra crispy tofu (of course). Side of fresh, steamed broccoli.
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Meal 3 — 5:15pm

  • 11:20pm (Meal 3.1) — Homemade apple pie. My wife’s co-worker bakes the absolute best pies. Uses all natural ingredients and she blesses us at least once a month with a slice. Today, an entire pie. It was almost midnight, but I didn’t want to be rude. Instead of pie a la mode, I had pie a la Niteworks.
run262 advice for monday

Meal 3.1 — 11:20pm

Today’s Activities:

  • RunKeeper Beginner Marathon Training. 42 of 64.
  • 5 miles + strides. This breaks down to 5 miles slow, 20 seconds fast, 2 minutes slow. Repeat the slow and fast for 4 sets. At the end, I ended up with 6.52 miles at a 8:12 per minute pace.
run262 advice for Monday

RunKeeper 10-07-2013

Monday, 10-07-2013

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